Where? ZOOM platform: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83132998441?pwd=VzJHU0ovbld2TTZhakdJRktIQXhGdz09 Meeting ID: 831 3299 8441 Passcode: 118330 Digital solutions define how we consume and sustain our future in any industry, including the energy sector. IoE enables smarter electricity generation and transmission. More sustainable digitalization solutions may be applied for the distribution and consumption processes as well. It not only impacts electricity market but leads the way towards the circular economy beneficiaries and sustainable cycles of energy flow. The smarter choices reduce the costs for the consumers and thus becomes more and more attractive and applied widely. Achieving an IoE is not without its challenges.The safe transmission and processing of the data plays a particularly important role, as large volumes of data must be communicated and processed to better understand and actively manage advanced grid operations. Challenges also loom around the industry attracting enough workers who have the right skills and knowledge to operate an IoE. The key speaker of the conference is Ph.d. Vytautas Šiožinys, the head of a technology company “Energy Advice”, which specializes in digital IoE solutions and follows the recent updates on Industry 5.0 needs.
What we are going to talk about?