The HORIZON 2020 Latvian Matchmaking will take place during the RIGA COMM fair. We welcome all small and medium companies, universities and research centres, which would like to participate in HORIZON 2020 projects and are looking for cooperation partners.
The Matchmaking event will consist of approximately 20 minute long, pre-booked meetings with representatives of foreign companies, universities and research centres. These meetings will give you a chance to present your innovative ideas to several potential cooperation partners from different industries in one day.
The registered participants will be able to apply for individual meetings with the chosen foreign participants of matchmaking. The profiles of all companies registered for matchmaking will be published on the event’s website, which will help everyone to identify potential cooperation partners and pre-book individual meetings.
Time: 20 October at the special area at the RIGA COMM 2016 fair. Prior application mandatory.
Organiser: Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (IDAL) within the Enterprise Europe Network project.
Application until 12 October 2016:
Language – English.