There will be performed bio impedance measurements showing electrical conductivity of head tissues, by using tomographic measurement system. The aim is to distinguish shape and changes in location of abnormalities in the brain.
There will be performed bio impedance measurements showing electrical conductivity of head tissues, by using tomographic measurement system. The aim is to distinguish shape and changes in location of abnormalities in the brain.
Equipment is not hazardous to human health and not expensive device for tracking post-stroke brain conditions.
Proven concept and prototype creation is under the process.
Complete system for monitoring post-stroke brain conditions will be used in the medical sector.
Computer tomography, magnetic resonance, positron emission tomography, computed X-ray angiography.
The company is intereseted in cooperation possibilities with lithuanian and international SME‘s, Universities working in biomedical engineering, electronics and technology transfer sectors.
UAB „Gruppo FOS Lithuania“ was established in 2015. It is working in R&D, Biomedical engineering, Electronics, Technology Transfer areas. Company works in partnership with leading Italian and Lithuanian research institutions in joint laboratories. Lithuanian Universities (KTU, LSMU), Italian Universities (University of Genoa, University of Salerno), ENEA (Italian National Agency of New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) are the partners of Gruppo FOS. It has a strong experience in international projects in healthcare sector. The projects are implemented in Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, China. Gruppo FOS is a founding member of POLITECMED, a cluster of Companies and Research Institutions operating in the sector of medical devices and information technology for healthcare.
Project of „Biomedical electronic device for brainstroke monitoring“ was selected to be financed from „Smart Invest LT+” program. More information...
Product in the Innovations Catalogue: